Mark and I are pretty active when it comes to attending events. From seminars to workshops to conferences to lectures the ampersand research diary always has time for learning something new and meeting interesting people. Then everything changed.
We were fortunate to have projects commissioned just before lockdown and we were also fortunate to able to switch the research from face to face to online methods. On reflection working on these projects was so important as a way of maintaining a sense of normality during the early period of lockdown.
Along with these projects, we managed our respective family commitments, embarked on new exercise routines (I decided skipping would replace swimming, whilst Mark and his daughters were star jumping along with Joe Wicks every morning), embraced bread making and trying, where possible, to have a routine during these challenging times. As part of that we found connecting with the outside world was crucial in keeping our focus strong and our wellbeing positive.
So, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all the organisations, companies, associations, and individuals who have enabled us to stay connected over the past 5 months! Not only have you provided learning opportunities, you have been the facilitator of new friendships, allowed us to catch up with old acquaintances and kept us up to date with industry. And, being completely honest, you have brightened our day during a time when there was little in the diary and we were socially distanced from friends, family and loved ones.
Mark and I have taken a moment to look back at the numerous online events we have attended over the past 5 months and thought we would share some of our favourites. In no particular order…
Association of Qualitative Research: We salute you for your fabulous Check In Sessions which have given those in the industry a chance to share thoughts, experiences, fears and hopes during these challenging times as well as providing a welcomed sanity check!
Market Research Society: We thank you for the continued guidance, support, and updates over the past 5 months as well as the informative and useful webinars.
Nottingham Market Research: We high five you for the informal online catch ups which have allowed researchers, recruiters and viewing studios to share ideas and best practises. Really looking forward to meeting up face to face (socially distanced of course!) later on in the year.
BrandUP: We were disappointed to hear the BrandUP Conference was postponed but delighted to tune into the BrandUP Live interviews.In particular, the B2B Branding session where Matt Davies interviewed the new CEO of Hallam, Julio Taylor, was a cracker – not least because ampersand research won a free branding review from the formidable duo!
Boxclever: We pat you on the back fellow Best New Agency winners! It was great to watch good friend and ex-colleague Matt Coggan talk about presentations and ideation, whilst Dan Young built on our knowledge on archetype theory.
Independent Consultant Group: We give you the thumbs up for hosting a fascinating learning session on semiotics by Dr Rachel Lawes. We found it so inspirational we went and ordered the book!
So, to all the organisations, companies, associations, and individuals who have hosted online events – thank you!
We would love to hear your recommendations of other online events to attend! Please feel free to drop us an email – or give us a call – 0115 9932343 and let us know your suggestions!